Monday, September 11, 2006


ok...i had a blog earlier. but then i forgot everything about it for a very long time and so, couldn't access it.
hence, this new blog. just for the here is mounting. so to get a break, had gone to mount abu for a few days. just came back last night. it was a whole lot of fun. had a blast...hectic but fun.

had classes today the whole day inspite of the fact that it was a sunday!! what a life!! but then again, i am a copywriter and guess thats the life for starters!! its 6 in the morning and i am sitting here trying to blog!! boy am i insane or what!! well, on second thoughts..not really. i have been pretty nocturnal most of my life ;-)
now i have a class at 9 tomorrow again and its absolutely essential that i attend that..just like today's!
was working like a madman the whole day cos honestly....a human'a life sucks. dogs are better off cos the diercctor of the institute that i am in (MICA) has this huge german shepherd named Roxy...all that giagantic canine does the whole day is SLEEP...mostly alone and at other times..well...(no comments)

life has been quite a roller coaster for quite sometime. to be a little ore precise...since april 30th this year. most of the things have gone wrong but as wise men have said over centuries..learn from incidents and accidents and move on...just make sure that they are not REPEATED. i have taken my lessons from life...though taking them in class seems to be a tougher challenge!!

at the rate that work is will soon beat the height of the everest!!! but here i am typing a blog at 6 in the morning!! now, what was i saying about me being insane?!?!?!?! other than that..things were normal. spoke to mom, dad and all the arbid starngers i came across...rather..who had the fate to come across ME!!! thought of a few ideas for a few print ads but not too sure. people told me its too bold. on the other hand....who said i wrote toned down concepts eh??

our campus happens to be far away from the city so miss out on teh simple pleasures of life like GOOD COFFEE, crazy rides in the middle of the night....

anyway...i am extremely zonked right now and hence not aware of what i am writing. an apology for all spelling errors and grammatical mistakes. keep updating yourself about whats happening in my life if you have enough time to spare....

till then..the next time...adios!!