Wednesday, July 09, 2008

A word of caution!

After all this while in the world of advertising, here are some observations:

First of all, every advertising agency should put a board of statutory warning outside their offices which reads: “People with any semblance of sanity, please do not step in”. Like those signboards which hold the owners responsible for their cars parked in the parking lot.

Just in case some “maverick” ignores the board and decides to enter, do not be surprised if you find a paper ball crashing into your head out of the blue. It’s probably the creative team indulging in paper ball warfare. (See?! That’s why one should pay heed to signboards!)
At saner times, you might just find the people playing cricket. So please be careful not to step into the “ground”.

Second, a sincere word of advice: please do not come in at lunch time because it will probably make you feel that all the refugees of the world have just migrated to India. Sometimes I think that maybe even the chicken on the plate probably curses its luck for having ended up on that plate! It is like a pack of wolves devouring a prey (damn! It reminds me of an account I am working on)! And people in advertising can be found eating at all times. Especially the creative lot. We call it “FOOD for THOUGHT”. When it comes to food, we forget all cast, creed and various other biases…

Third. Either carry ear muffs or be prepared to hear a volley of the choicest of abuses being hurled from all corners of the office. They may not be targeted at you but they will get into your ears nevertheless. And if you’re IN advertising, please keep quiet while you have parents and elders around because you never know what slips out! And…err…that may not be the most comfortable of situations.

There are a lot of other precautions as well but as long you keep these three rules in mind, you will not need the rest. If however, you ignore these rules, then you deserve what you get to hear and see. So I won’t tell you the other rules anyway. If you still have the guts to step in, welcome. And…all the best!
